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Preparing for a legislative session like no other
12/02/2020Olympia is going remote. Just as the pandemic changed how we educate students, it has also changed how lawmakers operate. As you can imagine, this presents new challenges for making our voices about our students’...Read More -
Election updates
11/04/2020Updated Nov. 30, 2020 WEA endorses pro-education, pro-labor candidates who can make advances for students, educators and public schools. We have also been proud to endorse a slate of Black, Indigenous and People...Read More -
Mukilteo EA member Christine Johnson will vote for Helen Price Johnson… her mom
10/28/2020When a WEA volunteer was text banking to turn members out to vote for Helen Price Johnson and our endorsed candidates in the 10th LD, she didn’t think twice about sending a text to Mukilteo...Read More