Learning Assistance Program (LAP)

In addition to federal funds allocated through ESSA, Washington state also funds the Learning Assistance Program for low-income schools. To learn more about district and school LAP funds, access our LAP FAQ here.

Required Action Districts

OSPI is required to annually recommend to the State Board of Education (SBE) school districts to be designated as Required Action Districts (RADs) under RCW 28A.657.020 and RCW 28A.657.030. RADs have at least one persistently low achieving school.

Once designated a RAD, a required action plan must be submitted to the SBE for approval by the Superintendent and local school board. This plan must be developed in collaboration with administrators, teachers and other staff; parents; unions representing any employees within the district; students; and other representatives of the local community. Any provisions of the required action plan that impact collective bargaining agreements require the re-opening of the agreement of the negotiation of an addendum, if needed to implement the plan.