2023-24 WEA Elections


Washington Education Association Nominations and Elections

Guidelines and Forms for the Positions of:

UniServ Council Director to the WEA Board

NEA State Delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly

NEA State Delegates At-Large to the NEA Representative Assembly

NEA State Director

Voting has ended. The following UniServ Councils will conduct run off elections for their WEA Board positions:

Puget Sound, Seattle, WEA MidState, and WEA Olympic

Voting on these positions will begin on March 11th (8am) and will close on March 25th (11:59pm). WEA members in these councils were sent an email from Ballot Point (notice@ballotpoint.com) on Monday, March 11th with instructions and log in information. Please follow the instructions in the email to receive your ballot to cast your vote.

Each candidate was given the option to provide a 250-word statement about themselves. This was not required. To see these statements, click here.

In addition, each candidate was given the option to provide a 50-word statement that you will also have available to you when you cast your vote. This was not required. To see these statements, click here.

NEA State Director to the NEA Board

(1 position available and still open for nominations)

Delegates to the WEA Representative Assembly elect NEA State Directors. NEA State Directors typically meet at NEA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. They are involved in critical decisions about Association policy related to public education and they help administer decisions made by delegates of the NEA Representative Assembly (the NEA’s highest decision-making body). Those elected to serve as an NEA State Director serve a three-year term (September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2027).

Nominations for these positions close on the floor of the 2024 WEA Representative Assembly. However, candidates wishing to be included in the WEA’s special election webpage must be nominated and submit their statement so that it is received at WEA headquarters by 4:00 p.m. February 9, 2024, via the online nominations site. Click here to be directed to the nomination form.

Click here for more information about the responsibilities of this position.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Eric Pickens, Chair of the WEA Nominations and Elections Work Team at eric.pickens@washingtonea.org.