Get involved!

One voice can be powerful. Collectively, our voices are nearly unstoppable. Together, we create a strong and credible voice in debates to advance legislation and policies that benefit our students, public schools, and school employees. WEA members lead the way on reducing class sizes, ensuring full funding for public education, and improving compensation and benefits for public school employees.

Get involved in the politics and policy shaping Washington public education.
  • Speak out in the legislative session

    Our students need us! Join educators from around the state as we make sure lawmakers know what we're seeing and what our students need.
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  • Say NO to school vouchers

    A group called Restore Washington is pushing forward school-voucher initiatives that could take more than a billion dollars a year of tax money from already-underfunded public schools and give it to religious and secular private schools, or to people who say they’re educating kids at home. 
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    Be a part of WEA-PAC, the Washington Education Association political action committee. Our mission is to recommend and elect pro-public education, pro-labor candidates to office. 
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  • Fixing Our Unfair Tax Code

    Washington state has the most upside-down tax system in the nation. It's time to require the wealthiest among us to pay their share. We can't keep relying on Washington’s low income and working families to fund our schools, hospitals, and roads. It's time to fix our upside-down tax code.
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  • Anti-Union Groups

    Did an anti-union group email you or send you a mailer lately? Here are the facts behind these groups and their attacks on public education and our freedom to negotiate fair pay.

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