Nominate an ESP today for WEA ESP of the Year!
The WEA Education Support Professional of the Year (ESPOTY) nominations are now open for 2023-24.
The WEA Education Support Professional (ESP) of the Year Award recognizes the contributions of Education Support Professionals (ESPs) to their schools, communities, and their profession. The award is presented to an active ESP member of the WEA who demonstrates outstanding accomplishments in their field and reflects the contributions of ESPs to public education and student success.
All current ESP members of a WEA local affiliate or bargaining unit who:
- Have been WEA and NEA members for at least (3) three years as of the submission deadline
- Are currently active WEA members
- Have not previously received the award
Nomination Information:
Any active WEA member can nominate an ESP for this honor. The nomination should include:
- A nominator's statement
- Three letters of recommendation
- Click here to complete the nomination form
- The deadline to submit nominations as Friday, Feb. 16 at 5:00 p.m.
Questions: Please contact Gwendolyn Jimerson at