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Warren G. Magnuson Educational Support Professional Scholarships

The Washington Education Association is pleased to offer six scholarships of $1,500 each this year to educational support professionals who are pursuing professional advancement through trades, technical or collegiate institutions. Three of the six grants are designated for ESP members of color.

Congratulations to the 2021 recipients: 

  • Cameryn Ariola-Moku, Professional Support Asociation at Puget Sound ESD, is a program specialist at the Puget Sound Educational Service District who would like to obtain her administrative assistants certificate.
  • Justin Lake, Quilcene ESP, is in his eighth year as an enrichment coordinator paraeducator. He is currently enrolled in a Career and Technical Education teacher certification program at Olympic College.
  • Clifton Maxie Jr., Seattle EA, is a paraeducator who has plans to finish his AA degree and enroll in a four-year college/university to pursue a teaching degree with a special education endorsement.
  • Monica Reyes Guzman, Kent Association of Paraeducators, is a paraeducator at Pine Tree Elementary in Kent who is working on her masters's in teaching at Antioch University. Her goal is to teach bilingually at a public school in Washington. 
  • MacKenzie Tinsley, Seattle EA, is a paraeducator with plans to become a special education math teacher and eventually an administrator.
  • Tesia Yoon, Shoreline ESPA, is a student teacher at Lynnwood Elementary School and working on her master's in teaching at the University of Washington.

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