How will schools be identified for intervention?
Regardless of Title status, Washington State requires supports for low performing schools. Beginning in the 2017-18 school year, states will be required to identify Comprehensive and Targeted support schools.
Washington uses the following designations to identify schools for support:
- Comprehensive: the lowest performing 5% of schools
- Comprehensive – Low Graduation: high schools with less than a 67% 4-year graduation rate
- Targeted 3+: schools with 3 or more student groups whose multiple measures score falls below the “all students” comprehensive support identification
- Targeted 1-2: schools with 1 or 2 student groups whose multiple measures score falls below the “all students” comprehensive support identification
- Targeted EL Progress: schools with the lowest measure on the English Learner progress measure
- Foundational: schools not identified for additional supports, can access self-directed and foundational supports available to all schools
To find out more about how schools get identified for supports, visit the Washington School Improvement Framework page. You can learn about your school’s progress by selecting the “WSIF data” tab, then select your district and school from the pull-down menu.
What should you expect if you work in a school that gets identified for support? Check out our ESSA in your school page for more information.