Library of Congress

The Library of Congress has assembled lesson plans for all ages, created by teachers for teachers, on a wide range of topics, including race and ethnicity, immigration and gender. It also provides materials on themes you may feature in your curricula, such as civil rights, ethnic identity, women’s history and many, many other topics.

Multicultural Books and Resources

Looking for books to captivate, engage and feature students of color, students of marginalized identities, students with disabilities and students with diverse families? Here are several links to get you going:

If you need help writing a grant to purchase any of these books, check out these NEA resources, including a grant writing webinar. 

Color Your World with Words

As a result of New Business Item 28 from the 2020 WEA Representative Assembly, WEA is publishing a list of books by authors of color for educators so they can provide students with books that reflect their backgrounds and cultures. Check out and download our book lists: Fall 2020Winter 2021Spring 2021 and Summer 2021.