Certification Professional Learning
For inquiries on WEA certification training registration or clock hours, please email Sheila Beaver.
For inquiries on certification policy and practice, please contact WEA Education Policy and Practices Coordinator Maren Johnson.
Online Certification Trainings will be conducted through zoom. You will receive a follow-up email a few days prior to the event with zoom link information.
Teacher Certification 101 (2 Clock Hours)
Learn about the latest teacher certificate renewal requirements! Teachers and CTE teachers will become familiar with recent certification policy changes. Find out more about the new equity-based school practices certificate renewal requirement, STEM requirement, and the next steps you need to take to renew your certificate. Learn how to add an endorsement and explore the basics of National Board Certification. You will consider completing a Professional Growth Plan (PGP), and review OSPI’s eCertification platform.
Audience: Teachers and CTE Teachers
Find Teacher Certification 101 courses on https://wea-win.org/Educational Staff Associate (ESA) Certification 101 (2 Clock Hours)
Learn about the latest Educational Staff Associate (ESA) certificate renewal requirements! Become familiar with recent policy changes affecting ESA certification. Find out more about the suicide prevention certificate renewal requirement, what is required for a professional certificate, and the next certification steps you need to take. You will consider completing a Professional Growth Plan (PGP), and review OSPI’s eCertification platform.
Audience: School behavior analysts, counselors, nurses, occupational therapists, orientation and mobility specialists, physical therapists, psychologists, social workers, speech language pathologists and audiologists
Find ESA Certification 101 courses on https://wea-win.org
Professional Growth Plan (PGP) series
Professional growth plans (PGPs) are job-embedded, self-directed professional development. With a PGP, educators set their own goals, align them to certification standards, design an action plan, and collect evidence documenting growth towards their goals. Educators then reflect on the process. There is no cost to an educator for a PGP. The 25 clock hours from a PGP are eligible for use in salary advancement and may be used for certificate renewal. PGPs may be used to meet the STEM and equity-based school practices certificate renewal requirements.
Come find out more on how to complete a PGP in this series. You will also receive peer feedback on your PGP, have the opportunity to ask questions, and a process for peer review and signing of PGPs will be facilitated.
Audience: Teachers, ESAs, Paraeducators
**Coming soon!**