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WEA members should know by now that the Freedom Foundation has made a public records request to the Department of Retirement Systems for various information about government and school employees. The foundation is seeking, among other things, employees’ birthdates, work locations and work email addresses.

WEA joined a lawsuit with other public sector unions to prevent the disclosure of personal information. In late December, a court ordered a temporary injunction on the release of information of employees or their family members whose personal safety could be at risk if information is released.

Under this injunction, any employee, or a family member who has been a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking, and who has documentation of such, can have their information protected from release if they submit certain information to the court.  If you or a family member are the victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking, we want to say we are sorry and we understand how frustrating, triggering and terrifying this could be. It probably seems as if your efforts to protect yourself and your family never cease. 

Please let us know by sending a confidential email  to WEA Legal  if you have reason to have your work email address and work location protected. Once we hear from you, we will let you know what steps you need to take as part of this case.

If you are concerned about your or your family's safety, please also work with your HR department to ensure your information is protected.

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