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It's TIME for Fair Revenue

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It’s time to fix Washington’s broken tax system – and fund the education and services kids need.

We have the most unfair tax system in the country – our lowest-income residents pay the highest percentage of their income in state and local taxes, and the wealthy pay the least.

Since this week is the deadline for filing federal taxes, it’s a good time to email or call your legislators and tell them: “I pay my fair share in taxes. It’s time to make sure the wealthiest in Washington pay their fair share too. Support HB 2224, the House fair revenue package.”

You can leave a message with the Legislative Hotline at 800-562-6000.

“A new teacher pays three times more in taxes as a percentage than our wealthiest citizens,” Gov. Jay Inslee said. Email your legislators and tell them to change this!

WEA is part of Washington United for Fair Revenue, a statewide coalition. We believe our tax system is unfair – and inadequate. The Supreme Court is holding the Legislature in contempt for failing to adequately fund K-12 public schools. Yet Republicans in the state Senate would rather shortchange educator pay and health benefits and cut funding for smaller class sizes than ask the wealthiest people to pay a little more.

If the Legislature can approve $8.7 billion in tax breaks for Boeing, it can find the revenue to fund public education while protecting the social and health services families rely on.

Download It’s TIME materials, like signs, stickers and postcards

Download printable It’s TIME signs, stickers and postcards, plus Facebook icons and other graphics.

April 25 Legislative Accountability Rally in Olympia

On April 25, delegates from the WEA Representative Assembly will be heading down to Olympia. We’re encouraging as many educators from across the state to join in a Legislative Accountability Rally. We’ll be arriving at 9 am and will kick off the program at 9:30.

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