WEA members get out the vote for pro-student, pro-union candidates
Hundreds of WEA members door-belled voters in support of pro-student, pro-union legislative candidates over the last several weekends.
“We’re here because we care about kids,” said Nate Bowling, a Tacoma Education Association member who door-belled for Rep. Christine Kilduff and Mari Leavitt in the 28th Legislative District. “The work happening in Olympia really matters, and we are the best advocates for public education.”
Ballots must be mailed or dropped off by 8 pm Nov. 6. Here is WEA’s pro-ed voter guide.
Franklin Pierce special education teachers Nicole Newman and Camille Duez teamed up to talk to voters about electing legislative candidates who support public schools. With a list of supportive voters and a map, they canvassed a neighborhood near Clover Park High School.
“I want what’s best for our kids,” Newman said. “We need to elect the right people who will make the right changes.”
Duez and Newman are relatively new to the profession – they’re in their third year of teaching – and they understand the importance of taking action. Besides doorbelling for Kilduff and Leavitt, they drove up to Kirkland to door-bell for Sen. Patty Kuderer on a previous Saturday.
“You can’t complain if you didn’t do anything to make a difference,” Duez said. “We’re doing what’s best for our students.”