Tips for new teachers or veterans wanting a refresher

Here are a few NEA resources to check out!

Don't forget these must-have items

12 items you'll be happy to have when you need them. The list includes:
  1. A grading scale.
  2. A flash drive.
  3. A good massage therapist!

33 Ways to Start the First Year Off Right


A little planning before school begins or in the first few weeks can pay big dividends throughout the school year. Starting off on the right foot can make all the difference. Here are some things to consider as you plan for the months ahead.

  1. Build relationships. Be nice to the school secretary and the custodian. They know the school, the students, and the neighborhood, and they can help you. Get involved in school activities and find your union rep. 
  2. Introduce yourself. Post a biographical sketch of yourself outside your classroom and encourage others to follow suit.
  3. Set a class goal. Working together toward a goal -- such as a holiday project to help a needy family, a class trip, or a class party at the end of the year -- can help develop class spirit.
  4. Be realistic. You will not win the battle with every student. Don't let your sincere concern for each child turn into a depressing experience through a fear of failure.
  5. Know your rights. Read or re-read your contract so that you will know the rights your union has bargained for you. 

Get the full list at NEA.

Ten Must-Haves for New Teachers

Classroom storage space

  1. A Variety of Storage Solutions
  2. A Homework Landing Point
  3. A Sanity Saver! Or Something Like It Anyway

Get all the details and complete list from NEA.