Start the Year Right with Students

Here are two NEA resources to help you hit the ground running with students.

8 Ways to Make Students Feel Welcome on the First Day of School

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The first day of school is an exciting and anxious time for students and educators. Snohomish teacher Chad Donohue wrote up 8 tips for NEA on how you connect with your students and alleviate some of the anxiety of the first day. Chad's tips include:
  • Assign seats before school begins. Taking this decision out of students' hands helps avoid anyone feeling left out if they don't have a friend to sit next to.
  • Share your story. Why did you get into teaching? The story may be old to you, but it's new to these kids.
  • Give the students something to commemorate the first day. Chad used play money that was redeemable for treats on the last day of school.

Head over to NEA to see Chad's full list.

Strategies for Better Bus Behavior

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Lois Yukna has driven a school bus in New Jersey for 27 years. She's learned that setting the tone from day one makes for a safe and happy ride. Read her tips and strategies for turning disruptive kids into her biggest allies.